11/11/2013 08:44


All things work together for good to them that love God . # Ro 8:28

The circumstances of the life of a Christian are set by God himself . Nothing happens by chance there . In his wisdom , God puts you in situations that you do not understand the meaning. It takes you to places chosen in advance, you do meet some people and places you in conditions such as intercession, aroused in you by the Holy Spirit, is oriented in a particular direction. Never attempt to guide events, to tell you : "I will lead and provide , avoid this and be wary of that. " Your life is in God's hand , so do not think you cross the circumstances are strange. Your part in intercessory prayer is not to suffer the agony of intercession , but to enjoy ordinary circumstances where God puts you , simple people among whom you are to bring before the throne of God, and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to pray for them through you . It is in this way that God , through his children , reached the world.

I am an obstacle to the work of the Holy Spirit while remaining in the wave, or perhaps me replacing him? In intercession, that man must do its part , and his hand, there are circumstances in which it is located, and the people with whom he comes in contact. My mind must be like the temple of the Holy Spirit, so that as I call those for whom I pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for them.

Your prayers of intercession can not be mine, and mine can be yours. But each of us , the Holy Spirit prays for a particular person who needs this intercession.




