Now the LORD says,

26/09/2013 08:28


Now the LORD says, who formed me from the womb to be his servant.

# Isa 49:5

       When we see that God chose us in Christ, we see remove our prejudices, our minds race or steeple, we only servants of God's purposes. The entire human race was created to glorify God and rejoice forever. Sin did divert to another route, but it has absolutely altered the eternal purpose of God. When we are born again we are introduced to the plan of God: I am created for God, it was he who made ​​me. Nothing is more beautiful than this thought: God has chosen me, and we must learn to trust us with the wonderful creative purpose of God. God wants above all to pass through the narrow limits of our hearts, his concern for all humanity. The love of God himself, the very nature of God Almighty is formed in us is summarized in John 3 v. 16: "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. "

       We must always keep in mind the purpose of the Creator, and not to mix our own views. If we did, God would have to chase such thoughts, even if it had hurt us. The missionary knows he was created to be the servant of God, and to glorify Him. When we realize that through the redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ, we are made ​​perfectly suitable for this service, we can understand why the requirements of Christ are so severe. He asked his servants absolute righteousness, for he put in them the nature of God.

       Do not forget God's purpose for your life.

